Ready for the Truth?
Rhonda Smith was born and raised in picturesque Northern California.
She spends most of her time between the San Francisco Bay area and the Sierra Nevada mountains with her majestic little wiener dog, Saylor Love.
Rhonda shares her message on stage, as well as through podcasting, coaching, and her work with sacred plant medicine. She uses all of these modalities to support people in remembering the truth about who they are.
Rhonda believes that only when we embrace the darkest parts of ourselves, do we learn the lessons that lead to remembering and living our deepest truth.
The greatest work of our lives is being willing to stand naked with all of our masks removed. The current state of our planet (living earth) and humanity is a catalyst to understand the way we’ve been living isn’t working!
This was the spark that ignited Rhonda’s mission.

Her newest company, “The Expanded Hueman” is set up to answer the question “What comes next after personal development?” It’s an invitation for us all to stop the madness of endlessly seeking outside ourselves. Her book, The Whole Method, is about remembering how to journey back into ourselves and once there, discover everything we need.
It’s when you realize that who you are on the inside doesn’t quite match up to the persona you’ve created on the outside – You’ve done well, people look up to you, but deep inside there’s a niggle that something’s not right…
Something is missing. You suspect there’s more for you to learn.
I can help you if you feel worn down, although you’d never admit it to your peers. If you keep creating the same relationship over and over again, and you can’t understand why, if you tend to attract narcissists, if you can be a little co-dependent in relationships despite being successful in business, or if you are a serial dater.
I’m talking to YOU! Are you ready for the Truth now?
“I am fascinated with human behavior and potential. My mind dances with big ideas and questions that challenge the status quo. What kind of world would we create if the focus was not on money and success? What would we do with our human potential if we were deeply embodied in the truth and ourselves?” ~ Rhonda Smith